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Alternators, starters and batteries for all vehicles

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Technical information

The starter

To turn over the engine, starters require a huge electric current coming from the battery which means that you should have a powerful battery. Starters are activated as soon as the key is in contact.

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Fix alternator’s issues

Once your engine is turned on, the alternator will convert the energy to keep your battery fully charged, providing the power it needs to start your vehicle.

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The battery

Any vehicle needs a powerful battery to give its engine enough power to start. It is also used in giving the required power to the vehicle electronic components when the demand is higher than what the alternator can supply.

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The core charge

Core products are remanufactured vehicle’s parts which help you save some money and help the environment by not throwing these parts to the garbage while they can still perform. The old part – the core that you will send us will be transferred to the brand’s factory and be put as new.

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Here is a video to show you how to take the right measurements of your starter, so that we can offer you the right starter for your vehicle.  Or so that you can compare your starter with equivalent ones on our website.  

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